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Tiesto - Close To You

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Tiesto - Close To You

Postprzez laki » 2007-07-10, 17:25

Ze sluchu poprawcie jak cos nie gra.

I wouldn't call it time well spent
Repeating to myself again
Find comfort in an endless stream of moments
I don't even care, about the way I feel today
Because it changes anyway
Something will make me cry or smile
Another picture on my pile

Now I'm standing close to you
It's just something that I do
When I need love to be enough
I wish love could be enough
'cause there is nothing more appealing
Than the thought that I could be enough

Do you find solace in the sun?
Do you consider life as one?
Do you believe there is a limit
To how fast a man can run?
Someone said you're born alive
Well I don't feel that alive

No I don't feel that alive

I don't feel that alive

Now I'm standing close to you
It's just something that I do
When I need love to be enough
I wish love could be enough

'cause there is nothing more appealing
Than the thought that I could be enough, enough
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Posty: 15
Dołączył(a): 2007-02-02, 15:22
Lokalizacja: NYC

Tiesto - Close To You

Postprzez TiffFun » 2008-07-04, 13:46

:-) angielska wersja

I wouldnt call it time well spent
repeating to myself again
find comfort in an endless stream of moments
i dont even care, about the way i feel today
because it changes anyway
something will make me cry or smile
another picture on my pile

now i´m standing close to you
its just something that i do
when i need love to be enough
i wish love could be enough
'cause there is nothing more appealing
than the thought that i could be enough

do you find solace in the sun
do you consider life as one
do you believe there is a limit
to how fast a man can run
someone said you´re born alive
well i dont feel that alive
no i dont feel that alive
i dont feel that alive

now i´m standing close to you
its just something that i do
when i need love to be enough
i wish love could be enough
´cause there is nothing more appealing
than the thought that i could be enough...enough

;-) tlumaczenie

Nie nazwalabym tego czasu dobrze spedzonym
Powtarzam to sobie znowu
Znajduje pocieszenie w niekonczacym sie potoku momentow.
Nie obchodzi mnie to, co dzisiaj czuje
Poniewaz i tak to sie zmienia
Cos sprawia, ze placze lub sie smieje
Inny obraz na moim stosie.

ref. Teraz stoje obok Ciebie
To jest po prostu cos co robie.
Kiedy potrzebuje milosci by miec jej dosyc
Chcialabym miec dostateczna ilosc milosci, bo nie ma nic lepszego, niz myslenie o tym.

Czy znalazles ukojenie w sloncu?
Czy uwazasz, ze zycie jest tylko jedno?
Czy wierzysz, ze jest jakas granica?
Jak szybko czlowiek moze biec?
Ktos powiedzial; urodzilas sie zywa
Ale ja nie czuje sie zywa
Nie czuje, ze zyje...

Ref. Teraz stoje obok Ciebie
To jest po prostu cos co robie.
Kiedy potrzebuje milosci by miec jej dosyc
Chcialabym miec dostateczna ilosc milosci, bo nie ma nic lepszego, niz myslenie o tym.
Posty: 36
Dołączył(a): 2008-06-29, 19:27
Lokalizacja: Polska

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