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A State Of Trance With Armin Van Buuren. Forum muzyczne poswiecone kultowej audycji ASOT. A na nim mnostwo informacji ze sceny klubowej, dobrej muzyki, oraz najnowsze asoty i inne sety


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Postprzez dydek » 2006-07-20, 21:51

Niewielu miedzynarodowych artystow, ktorzy tworza swoj charakterystyczny styl kojarzony tylko z nimi, postanawiaja robic kazdy swoj utwor innym i niepowtarzalnym stylem. Znasz to uczucie kiedy slyszysz po raz pierwszy piosenke w radiu i od razu kojarzysz ja z danym artysta. AndrĂŠ Tanneberger, jednakze zdecydowal nadac kazdemu utworowi swoj odmienny charakter i dusze ale jednoczesnie zawsze podobny do stylu ATB. I to wlasnie dzieki temu mozna zdobyc miedzynarodowa slawe jak AndrĂŠ jako producent.

Od czasu do czasu w kazdym pokoleniu muzykow sa artysci, ktorzy poruszaja i wprawiaja w oslupienie swoich sluchaczy. Na miedzynarodowej scenie dance, ATB jest bez watpienia przykladem takiego artysty i producenta.

Po jedenastu latach i pieciu albumach, z ktorych ostatnie cztery znalazly sie w Niemieckiej Top 10, AndrĂŠ stal sie liderujacym muzykiem i artysta. Lecz nie tylko na scenie dance. Miedzynarodowe gwiazdy takie jak Heather Nova, Moby, William Orbit i Michael Cretu z Enigmy korzystali z jego uslug. Wspolnie z Bryanem Adamsem remiksowal dla legendy popu A-ha i podrozowal po calym swiecie jako DJ.
Lecz co czyni, ze ATB jest tak inny i niepowtarzalny? Co uksztaltowalo jego styl?

AndrĂŠ ma unikalna zdolnosc w laczeniu muzyki ambient i trance z szerokim wplywem muzykalnych elementow. Oddaje utwory dance z melancholijnymi brzmieniami i wspaniala harmonia, plynnymi i relaksujacymi dzwiekami ktore Cie unosza. AndrĂŠ zrobil wiele dla nowoczesnej muzyki klubowej. Piosenka "9 P.M. (Till I Come)", ktora dotarla do czolowki Angielskiej listy przebojow w 1999 i rozslawila jego tworczosc na wszystkich kontynentach naszego globu.

Jego nowy singiel "Marrakech", ktory pochodzi z albumu "No Silence", w ktorym AndrĂŠ znow kompletnie zmienia styl, lecz nadal jest on charakterystyczny dla tworczosci ATB. Utwor przenosi nas na sloneczna plaze i wzbudza w nas nastroj letniej nostargi. Jego produkcje zrobily nawet wrazenie w Hollywood, kiedy "Marrakech”, ktory zostal wybrany jako tytulowy utwor dla thrillera "Mindhunters". (W glownych rolach Christian Slater, Val Kilmer i LL Cool J).

AndrĂŠ wspolpracowal z wieloma artystami przy jego piatym albumie "No Silence". Singiel "Marrakech" byl nagrywany z udzialem Brytyjskiej wokalistki Tiff Lacey, ktora wczesniej pracowala z legenda trance Paulem Oakenfoldem. Kanadyjka Roberta Carter Harrison, ktora zaspiewala "Let U Go", "I Don't Wanna Stop" i "Hold You", takze ma swoj udzial w tym singlu.

"Dzisiejsze tempo zycia i wysoki poziom stresu ma duzy wplyw na ludzi. Muzyka moze nas uspokajac i relaksowac" mowi AndrĂŠ Tanneberger. Jesli znajdziecie czas na wysluchanie "No Silence", zrozumiecie prawdziwe cele sposobu zycia i tworzenia muzyki. Melancholijne i specyficzne rytmy - polaczone z pieknym damskim wokalem - tworzy srodowisko, w ktorym twoj umysl moze odplynac.

Mozna rowniez zauwazyc jak wazne dla ATB jest przeslanie, ze on nie tylko produkuje muzyke dla siebie i sam ja promuje jako DJ, AndrĂŠ Tanneberger chce rowniez podzielic sie swoja wiedza i umiejetnosciami. Dlatego zalozyl on SEAP ("School for Engineering and Audio Producing") w Bochum ze swoim wspolproducentem i kolega Woodym. SEAP jest szkola produkowania gdzie mlodzi ambitni producenci moga znalezc droge do profesjonalnej kariery w muzycznym biznesie. SEAP jest takze pomostem pomiedzy tymi ktorzy chca doprowadzic do perfekcji swoje hobby a tymi ktorzy chca poszerzac swoje muzyczne i producenckie horyzonty.
Ale wracajac do ATB.
No Silence" jest koncepcyjnym albumem, ktorego mozesz sluchac bez przerwy, gdzie poszczegolne piosenki sa polaczone poczatkami i zakonczeniami i tworza calosc, o intensywnie muzykalnym przezyciu. Sluchacze od razu czuja magie utworow ATB. Muzyka jest dla AndrĂŠ podniecajaca co mozna zobaczyc na calosci albumu.

A teraz pare faktow o ATB:
Zaczynal jako czlonek slynnej Europejskiej grupy "Sequential One" (SQ1) tworzonej razem z Ulrichem Poeppelbaumem.
Rowniez wystepowal w grupach: Dance United, E.F.F., Farrago, Inferno DJs, Love And Fate, Re-Flex, Sequential One, Sound Bluntz, The, Trance Allstars, U.K.W., United Deejays For Central America
Nazwa ATB pochodzi od - AndrĂŠ Tanneberger - czyli imienia i nazwiska artysty!
Urodzony w Niemczech w 1973 roku


9 PM (Till I Come) (12") Club Tools
9 PM (Till I Come) (Remixes) (12") Kontor Records
9 PM (Till I Come) (The U.K. Mixes) (CD5") Kontor Records
9PM vs What You Need (12") Not On Label
Don't Stop (12") Ministry Of Sound
Don't Stop (Quake Remixes) (12") Ministry Of Sound
Don't Stop / 9 PM (Till I Come) (The Remixes) (CD5") Popular Records
Killer (12") Kontor Records
Movin Melodies (CD) X-Over Recordings
Killer (The Remixes) (CD5") Popular Records
Killer 2000 (CD5") X-Over Recordings
The Fields Of Love (12") Popular Records
The Fields Of Love (Promo) (12") Kontor Records
The Summer (CD5") Bang On!
Two Worlds (2xCD) Kontor Records
Whiter Shade Of Pale (12") EastWest Records GmbH
Hold You (12") Kontor Records
Let U Go (CD5") Edel Records (Germany)
Let U Go (12") Kontor Records
The Fields Of Love (CD5") Radikal Records
Two Worlds (2xCD) Bang On!
Dedicated (CD) Edel Records (Germany)
You're Not Alone (CD5") Kontor Records
ddicted To Music (Limited Edition) (2x12") Kontor Records
Don't Stop (Sexy Spinners Remix) (12") PromoPhile
I Don't Wanna Stop (12") Kontor Records
Long Way Home (12") Radikal Records
The DJ (12") Kontor Records
You're Not Alone (12") Kontor Records
Ecstacy (CD5") Kontor Records
Marrakech (CD5") Kontor Records
No Silence (2xCD) Avex Trax
Sunset Girl (12") Universal Records
The DJ (12") Radikal Records
Bullet In The Gun (12") It's a Fine Day (ATB C... Not On Label
Club Sounds Vol. 9 (2xCD) Too Much Rain (ATB vs.... Polystar Records
First Strike (Remixes) (12") First Strike (ATB Remix) Jinx Records
His Favourite Tracks Part 2 (CD) Angels (ATB Mix) Star Traxx Records
It's A Fine Day (2x12") It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Rampage
Rave Can Can (12") Rave Can Can (ATB Club... Not On Label
Trance Nation 99-1 (3xCD) Liebe (ATB Remix) Edel Records (Germany)
Ultra.Trance:1 (2xCD) Go (ATB Club Mix) Ultra Records
Apache (12") Cry To Apache (A.T.Tek... Rough Trade Germany
Apache (CD5") Cry To Apache (A.T. Te... Rough Trade Germany
Poison (CD5") Poison (ATB-remix) Rough Trade Germany
Poison (12") Poison (ATB Remix) Bol Records
Poison (12") Poison (ATB Remix) Roughmix
Valencia Dance (2xCD) Poison (ATB Remix) Bol Records
Happy Feelings (12") Happy Feelings (Intros... Drohm
Happy Feelings (The Remixes) (12") Happy Feelings (Intros... Rough Trade Germany
Magic Touch (CD5") Magic Touch (ATB Remix) BMG
Let Go (12") Let Go (ATB Club Mix) BMG
Let Go (CD5") Let Go (ATB Remix) BMG
Max Mix 2 (2xCD) The Stomp (ATB's Funky... Max Music Records GmbH
Dreams (CD5") Dreams (ATB Mix) House Nation Records (Dance Street Records)
Dreams (12") Dreams (ATB Mix) Do It Yourself Entertainment (Italy)
Dreams (12") Dreams (ATB Mix) House Nation Records (Dance Street Records)
Dreams (Klubbheads Mix) (CD5") Dreams (ATB Mix) House Nation Records (Dance Street Records)
Listen To Your Heart - The Mixes (Part II) (CD5") Listen To Your Heart (... EMI Electrola
Listen To Your Heart - The Mixes (Part II) (12") Listen To Your Heart (... Electronic
Supermix 12 (2xCD) Runnin' (ATB Radio Mix) Vidisco
Colour The World (CD5") Colour The World (ATB ... Transistor Music
Colour The World (12") Colour The World (ATB ... X-IT
It's A Fine Day (12") It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Hitland
It's A Fine Day (12") It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Kontor Records
It's A Fine Day (12") It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Mo' Bizz
It's A Fine Day (CD5") It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Kontor Records
Time Now (CD5") Time Now (ATB Mix) Edel Records (Germany)
Time Now (12") Time Now (ATB Mix) Edel Records (Germany)
Too Much Rain (2x12") Too Much Rain (A.T.B. ... EMI Electrola
1 (CD) Liebe (ATB Remix) Energetic Records
Acid Folk 2000 (12") Acid Folk (ATB Remix) Dos Or Die Recordings
Adagio For Strings (12") Adagio for Strings (AT... Maverick
Airwave (12") Airwave (ATB Remix) Clubbgroove Records
Airwave (12") Airwave (ATB Edit) Manifesto
Algarve '99 - The Summer Dance Compilation (2xCD) Sax'y '99 (ATB Remix) Kaos Records
Angels (12") Angels (ATB Club Mix) Alien Recordings (Netherlands)
Angels / Moments In Atmosphere (12") Angels (ATB Mix) Clubbgroove Records
Barber's Adagio For Strings (CD5") Barber's Adagio for St... WEA
Barber's Adagio For Strings (12") Barber's Adagio For St... Fresh Fish Records
Barber's Adagio For Strings (12") Adagio For Strings (AT... WEA Records (Germany)
Barber's Adagio For Strings (CD5") Barber's Adagio for St... WEA Records (Germany)
Barber's Adagio For Strings (12") Adagio For Strings (AT... Maverick
Barber's Adagio For Strings (12") Barber's Adagio For St... Club Culture
Cidade - Derretendo O Gelo (2xCD) It's a Fine Day (ATB R... Vidisco
Club Sounds Vol. 12 (2xCD) Why Does My Heart Feel... Polystar Records
Clubber's Guide To... Trance (2xCD) Cream (ATB Remix), Won... Ministry Of Sound
Colour The World (12") Colour The World (ATB ... Mighty
Colour The World (CD5") Colour The World (ATB ... X-IT
Colour The World (CD5") Colour The World (ATB ... Club Tools
Colour The World (CD5") Colour The World (ATB ... Multiply Records
Cream (CD5") Cream (ATB Mix) Bang On!
Cream (CD5") Cream (ATB Mix) Kontor Records
Cream (12") Cream (ATB Mix) Deviant Records
Cream (CD5") Cream (ATB Mix) Orange Records
Cream (12") Cream (ATB Mix) Electropolis
Cream (CD 2) (CD5") Cream (ATB Mix) Deviant Records
Cream (Remixes) (12") Cream (ATB Mix) Gang Go Music
Decades (2xCD) Angels (ATB Club Mix) House Nation Records (Dance Street Records)
Decades (CD) Angels (ATB Club Mix) Record Express
DJ Convention Vol. 2 (2xCD) Time Now (ATB Mix), It... Polystar Records
DJ Meeting '99 (2xCD) Welcome To Tomorrow (W... Club Tools
Don't Stop! (CD) It's A Fine Day (ATB C... DJ's Club Records
Dream Dance 2000 (2xCD) Angels (ATB Club Mix),... Sony Music Media
Dream Dance Vol. 11 (2xCD) Too Much Rain (ATB vs ... Sony Music Media
Dream Dance Vol. 12 (2xCD) Colour The World (ATB ... Sony Music Media
Dream Dance Vol. 15 (2xCD) Why Does My Heart Feel... Dance Division
Future Trance Vol. 10 (2xCD) Music Is So Wonderful ... Polystar Records
Future Trance Vol. 7 (2xCD) Colour The World (ATB ... Polystar Records
Goliath 4 - Welcome At Rave City (Limited Edition) (CD) Liebe (ATB Remix) DJ Beat Records
Ibiza 99 - The Year of Trance Vol. 2 (2xCD) Why Does My Heart Feel... Global Television
Into The Light (CD5") Liebe (ATB Remix) Unsubmissive Records
It's A Fine Day (CD5") It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Club Tools
It's A Fine Day (12") It's A Fine Day (ATB R... G1 Recordings UK
It's A Fine Day (CD5") It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Kontor Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 3 (2xCD) Intro + Angels, It's A... Polystar Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 4 (2xCD) Sax'y '99 (ATB Remix),... Polystar Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 5 (2xCD) Sun Is Shining (ATB Cl... Polystar Records
Kremlin 2 (2xCD) Sun Is Shining (ATB Cl... Enter Records
Lagered! 2000 (2xCD) Liebe (ATB Mix) Universal Music (NZ)
Liebe (The Remixes) (12") Liebe (ATB) Unsubmissive Records
Madhouse (2xCD) Liebe (ATB RmX) Sony Music Media
Mallorca Dance (2xCD) It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Dance Network
Midsummer Trance Mix (CD) Liebe (ATB remix) ID&T
Movin' Melodies (2xCD) Too Much Rain (Over Pa... Enter Records
MTV Ibiza 99 (2xCD) Cream (ATB Mix) Columbia Records
Music So Wonderful (The Remixes) (12") Music So Wonderful (AT... Kontor Records
Nirwana (CD) Liebe (ATB Remix) Unsubmissive Records
Nirwana (CD) Liebe (ATB Remix) Unsubmissive Records
Saxy '99 (12") Saxy '99 (ATB Remix) Blanco Y Negro (Spain)
Space Invaders (2xCD) Liebe (ATB Remix) Edel Records (Germany)
Sun Is Shining (CD5") Sun Is Shining (ATB Ai... Shock
Sun Is Shining (CD5") Sun Is Shining (ATB Ai... Club Tools
Sun Is Shining (12") Sun Is Shining (ATB Cl... Club Tools
Sun Is Shining (CD5") Sun Is Shining (ATB Ai... Club Tools
Sun Is Shining (12") Sun Is Shining (ATB Cl... Attic Records Limited
Sun Is Shining (12") Sun Is Shining (ATB Cl... Edel America
Technodrome Volume 3 (2xCD) Music So Wonderful (AT... Polymedia Marketing Group GmbH
The Best Of The Best Of '99 (CD) It's A Fine Day (ATB R... IMP Records (Israel) Hed Arzi Music
The First Rebirth (CD5") The First Rebirth (ATB... What's Up ?!
The First Rebirth (CD5") The First Rebirth (ATB... Club Tools
The First Rebirth (12") The First Rebirth (ATB... Kontor Records
The First Rebirth (12") The First Rebirth (ATB... Club Tools
The First Rebirth (CD5") The First Rebirth (ATB... What's Up ?!
The First Rebirth - The Club Mixes (CD5") The First Rebirth (ATB... What's Up ?!
The Secret Life Of Trance Episode 1 (3x12") Cream (ATB Remix) Rising High Records
The Secret Life Of Trance Episode 1 (2xCD) Cream (ATB Mix), Cream... Imperial Dancefloor
The Year Of Trance 99 - The Midsummer Power Mix (4xCD) It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Lube
Too Much Rain (CD5") Too Much Rain (A.T.B. ... EMI Records (UK)
Top Star 2000 (2xCD) It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Vidisco
TRANCEnDANCE (CD) Love And Fate (White L... Tremor Records
Welcome to Tomorrow (Vinyl Part II) (12") Welcome to Tomorrow (W... King Size Records
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (12") Why Does My Heart Feel... Mute Records (UK)
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (Promo 1) (12") Why Does My Heart Feel... Mute Records (UK)
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (Remixes) (CD5") Why Does My Heart Feel... Mute Records (UK)
Why Don't You... (12") Why Don't You... (Wood... Dos Or Die Recordings
Wild FM Volume 7 (2xCD) It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Central Station
Wonderer (The Remixes) (12") Wonderer (ATB Vocal), ... Jive
Wonderer (The Remixes) (CD5") Wonderer (ATB Radio Ed... Jive
95.3 Party: Most Wanted (CD) It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Future Music Distribution
Airwave (CD5") Airwave (ATB Remix Edit) Manifesto
Airwave (CD5") Airwave (ATB Mix) Kontor Records
Airwave (CD5") Airwave (ATB Remix) Tommy Boy Silver Label
Airwave (CD5") Airwave (ATB Mix) BIT Music Scandinavia
Airwave (12") Airwave (ATB Mix) Red Alert
Airwave (12") Airwave (ATB Remix) Tommy Boy Silver Label
Airwave (CD5") Airwave (ATB Remix) ID&T
Airwave (CD5") Airwave (ATB Remix) BMG France
Alta Rotaçăo (2xCD) Why Does My Heart Feel... Kaos Records
Best Of Sash! / Encore Une Fois (Fan Edition) (2xCD) Colour The World (ATB ... X-IT
Club X-Press 6 (CD) Airwave (ATB Remix) Phonokol
Cream (12") Cream (ATB Mix) Radikal Records
Cream (CD5") Cream (ATB Mix) Radikal Records
DJ Networx Vol. 5 (2xCD) The First Rebirth (ATB... Sony Music Media
Encore Une Fois (Best Of) (Fan Edition) (2xCD) Colour The World (ATB ... X-IT
Encore Une Fois - The Greatest Hits (2xCD) Colour The World (ATB ... Shock
Encore Une Fois - The Greatest Hits (2xCD) Colour The World ( ATB... Multiply Records
Farewell To The Moon (CD5") Farewell To The Moon (... Zeitgeist
Farewell To The Moon (12") Farewell To The Moon (... Zeitgeist
Gary D. Presents D.Trance 2/2000 (3xCD) The First Rebirth (ATB... DJs Present
It's A Fine Day (CD5") It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Rampage
Minor Earth / Major Sky (12") Minor Earth | Major Sk... WEA
Minor Earth / Major Sky (12") Minor Earth / Major Sk... WEA
Minor Earth / Major Sky (Remixes) (CD5") Minor Earth | Major Sk... WEA Records (Germany)
My Name Is Trance (CD) Airwave (ATB Remix) Max Music & Entertainment Inc.
Nirwana (CD) Liebe (ATB Mix) Unsubmissive Records
Pieces In A Modern Style (2xCD) Adagio For Strings (AT... Maverick
Precious Little Diamond (CD5") Precious Little Diamon... Virgin Schallplatten GmbH
Push The Limits (12") Push The Limits (ATB R... Virgin Records (UK)
Push The Limits (12") Push the Limits (ATB R... Distinct'ive Records
Push The Limits (CD5") Push The Limits (ATB R... Virgin Schallplatten GmbH
Ready To Flow (12") Ready To Flow (ATB Clu... Ultra Records
Ready To Flow (CD5") Ready To Flow (ATB Edi... Club Tools
Ready To Flow (CD5") Ready To Flow (ATB Edi... Ultra Records
Ready To Flow (12") Ready To Flow (ATB Remix) Kontor Records
Ready To Flow - The Club Mixes (CD5") Ready To Flow (ATB Clu... Zeitgeist
Science Fiction (CD5") Science Fiction (ATB R... Zeitgeist
Science Fiction Remixes (12") Science Fiction (ATB Mix) Scuba Records
Tenshi (CD5") Tenshi (ATB Remix) Absolute Sound
Tenshi (Remixes) (12") Tenshi (ATB Remix) Absolute Sound
The First Rebirth (CD5") The First Rebirth (ATB... Bang On!
Trance Energy (CD) Airwave (ATB Remix) ID&T
Trance Files (4xCD) Airwave (ATB Remix) ID&T
Trance Files 2000 The Final Yearmixes (4xCD) Airwave (ATB Remix) ID&T
Trance Nation 01 >> 00 (2xCD) Why Does My Heart Feel... Edel Records (Germany) (CD) Ready To Flow (ATB Mix) Arcade
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (CD5") Why Does My Heart Feel... Mushroom Records
Worldwide (2xCD) Ready To Flow (ATB) Zeitgeist
A Whiter Shade Of Pale / A Question Of Honour (CD5") A Whiter Shade Of Pale... Angel Records
Airwave (12") Airwave (ATB Remix) Tommy Boy Music
Dream Dance 21 (2xCD) A Whiter Shade Of Pale... Sony Music Media
Experience (12") Experience (ATB Remix) Free For All
Experience (Remixes) (12") Experience (ATB Remix) Clubbgroove Records
Farewell To The Moon (CD5") Farewell To The Moon (... Enter Records
Five Yards (12") First Strike (ATB Remix) Jinx Records
Happy Hard Trance (2xCD) The First Rebirth (ATB... Polystar Records
Light A Rainbow (CD5") Light A Rainbow (ATB R... Zomba Records
Light A Rainbow (12") Light A Rainbow (ATB R... In Trance We Trust
Light A Rainbow (12") Light A Rainbow (ATB R... Incentive
Light A Rainbow (12") Light A Rainbow (ATB ... Jive Electro
Light A Rainbow (CD5") Light A Rainbow (ATB R... Jive Electro
Light A Rainbow (Part 2) (12") Light A Rainbow (ATB R... Drizzly
Love Sensuality Devotion: The Remixes Collection (CD) Push The Limits (ATB R... Virgin Schallplatten GmbH
Technics DJ Set Volume One (2xCD) Tenshi (ATB Remix) Warner Special Marketing GmbH
Technics DJ Set Volume Two (2xCD) A Whiter Shade Of Pale... Warner Special Marketing GmbH
Tenshi (12") Tenshi (ATB Mix) Radikal Records
Tenshi (CD5") Tenshi (ATB Mix) Radikal Records
Tenshi (12") Tenshi (ATB Mix) Kontor Records
The Best Of World Trance: Fantasia (CD) A Whiter Shade Of Pale... Toshiba EMI Ltd
Trance Nation America Two (2xCD) Experience (ATB Remix) Ultra Records
Trance Voices Volume 2 (2xCD) A Whiter Shade Of Pale... Polystar Records
Yesterday (Silence) (The Remixes) (12") Yesterday (Silence) (A... Zeitgeist
Yesterday (Silence) - The Club Mixes (CD5") Yesterday (Silence) (A... Zeitgeist
4 Just 1 Day (Remixes) (12") 4 Just 1 Day (ATB Remix) Tracid Traxxx
Billie Jean (12") Billie Jean (12" Beat ... Incentive
Billie Jean (CD5") Billie Jean (Beat Radi... Incentive
Billie Jean (CD5") Billie Jean (Beat Radi... Kontor Records
Classics 01 (12") It's A Fine Day (ATB R... Kontor Records
Clubber's Guide To... 2002 (2xCD) Light A Rainbow (ATB Mix) Ministry Of Sound
DJ Convention - Code Fourteen (2xCD) Go (ATB Radio Mix) Universal Music (Germany)
DJ Convention - Code Thirteen (2xCD) Lost In Love (ATB Mix) Universal Music (Germany)
DJ Convention - Code Twelve (2xCD) First Strike (ATB Remix) Universal Music (Germany)
Dream Dance Vol. 24 (2xCD) Lost In Love (ATB Radi... Sony Music Media
Future Trance Vol. 20 (2xCD) Go! (ATB Remix) Polystar Records
German DJ Playlist Vol. 2 (2xCD) Waterfall 2002 (ATB Ra... More Music
Go (12") Go (ATB Club Mix) Zeitgeist
Go (12") Go (ATB Clubbmix) Zeitgeist
Go (CD5") Go (ATB Short Version) Edel Records (Germany)
Go (12") Go (ATB Clubbmix) Kontor Records
Go! (CD5") Go! (ATB Short Version) Zeitgeist
Go! The Clubmixes (CD5") Go! (ATB Club Mix) Zeitgeist
Impulz - The Spring Edition (CD) First Strike (ATB Remix) Tsunami
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 16 (2xCD) Go (ATB Club Mix), Wat... Polystar Records
Lost In Love (CD5") Lost In Love (ATB Radi... Bang On!
Lost In Love (12") Lost In Love (ATB Mix)... Ultra Records
Lost In Love (CD5") Lost In Love (ATB Radi... Zeitgeist
Lost In Love (Disc 1) (12") Lost In Love (ATB Mix) Kontor Records
Lost In Love - The Clubmixes (CD5") Lost In Love (ATB Mix) Zeitgeist
Synergy II - The Story Continues (2xCD) Phuture Vibes (ATB Remix) Zeitgeist
Synergy II - The Story Continues (Limited Edition) (2xCD) Phuture Vibes (ATB Remix) Zeitgeist
Technics DJ Set Volume Seven (2xCD) Waterfall 2002 (ATB Re... Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Trance Your Mind (3xCD) Lost In Love (ATB Mix) A45 Music
Tranceclassics (2xCD) It's A Fine Day (ATB C... Tsunami
Waterfall 2002 (CD5") Waterfall 2002 (ATB Ra... Club Culture
Waterfall 2002 (Part 2) (12") Waterfall 2002 (ATB Re... Pegasus Records
Waterfall 2002 (Remixes) (12") Waterfall 2002 (ATB Re... Clubbgroove Records
Welcome To Tomorrow (12") Welcome To Tomorrow (A... Shock Records
Wonderer (Part 1) (12") Wonderer (ATB Remix) Dos Or Die Recordings
Yesterday (Silence) (12") Yesterday (Silence) (A... Alpha+
4 Just 1 Day (CD5") 4 Just 1 Day (ATB Remix) Epic
4 Just 1 Day (CD5") 4 Just 1 Day (ATB Remix) Epic
Club Hits 2000-2003 (5xCD) Sun Is Shining (ATB Re... SPG Music Productions Ltd.
Club Rotation Vol. 24 (2xCD) Liebe (ATB Edit Remix) Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Clubber's Guide To...Finland 2003 (2xCD) Billie Jean (Beat Club... Bonnier Amigo Music Group
Daylight / Locking Down (Promo) (2x12") Daylight (ATB Remix) WEA
Liebe (Mehr Liebe) (CD5") Liebe (ATB Club Remix)... Polydor (Germany)
Liebe 2003 (Remixes) (12") Liebe 1998 (ATB Remix) Unsubmissive Records
Liebe.03 (CD5") Liebe (ATB Remix '98) Polydor Island Group
Major Dance Vol. 1 (CD) Liebe (ATB Edit Remix) Oxa
Super Mix 16 (2xCD) Waterfall 2003 (ATB Ra... Vidisco
Technics DJ Set Volume Ten (2xCD) Daylight (ATB Remix) Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
The DJ - In The Mix (2xCD) Daylight (ATB Remix), ... Kontor Records
The DJ - In The Mix (3xCD) Daylight (ATB Remix), ... Central Station
The DJ - In The Mix (2xCD) Daylight (ATB Remix), ... Radikal Records
This Is Trance! (CD) Lost In Love (ATB Mix) Water Music Dance
Tuning & Car Audio (4xCD) Waterfall 2003 (ATB Mix) Vidisco
Help Asia! (Vinyl 1 of 2) (12") Help Asia! (ATB Mix) Kontor Records
Clubbgroove Selected Vol. 1 (12") Tanztablette (Tanz Mix) Clubbgroove Records
Electricidade 2002 (2xCD) It's A Fine Day Vidisco
Algarve '99 - The Summer Dance Compilation (2xCD) Get Ready Kaos Records
Don't Stop! (CD) Too Much Rain (Airplay... DJ's Club Records
Get Ready (12") Get Ready (Extended Mix) Edel Records (Germany)
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 4 (2xCD) Get Ready (Balearic Ex... Polystar Records
Electricidade 2000 (2xCD) Feels Like Flying Vidisco
Feels Like Flyin' (12") Radikal Records
Top Star 2001 (2xCD) Feels Like Flying Vidisco
DJ'skie mixy:
Clubber's Guide To... Trance (2xCD) Ministry Of Sound
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 3 (2xCD) Polystar Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 4 (2xCD) Polystar Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 16 (2xCD) Polystar Records
The DJ - In The Mix (2xCD) Kontor Records
The DJ - In The Mix (3xCD) Central Station
The DJ - In The Mix (2xCD) Radikal Records
The DJ 2 - In The Mix (2xCD) Kontor Records Edel Records (Germany)
Swoj wklad mial w:
Experience (CD) The Fields of Love (Du... Subversive
Utwory z jego wkladem:
Bullet In The Gun (12") Untitled Not On Label
Bump 14 (2xCD) Marrakech (Revolution ... RPM
Club Sounds Vol. 9 (2xCD) Don't Stop (Airplay Edit) Polystar Records
Hit Mixes 199 (12") Untitled DMC
Stanely (Here I Am) / Let U Go / All I Want / Ready For Love (12") Let U Go Bang On!
Club Sounds Vol. 7 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Ra... Polystar Records
Dream Dance Vol. 10 (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Rad... Sony Music Media
Future Trance Vol. 6 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Ra... Polystar Records
Outline Afterhour - The Third Compilation (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Lightning Records
Strictly DJ Jean - The Winter Edition (2xCD) 9 PM (Sequential One R... Arcade
100% Dream - Music For Your Mind 3 (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Seq... Enter Records
101% Euphoria Anthems (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Sig... Massive Music Company
1999: The Tunes (CD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Rad... Muzik Magazine
3AM (CD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Sig... Raiza Sharp Productions
40 Classic Dance Anthems (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) Manifesto
538 Dance Smash Hits - Spring '99 (CD) 9 PM (Till I Come) BMG
A Higher State Of Euphoria (2xCD) Don't Stop (Quake Remake) Telstar
Algarve '99 - The Summer Dance Compilation (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Se... Kaos Records
Axe Nightguide (4xCD) Killer Lube
Beach Power (CD) Killer ID&T
Best Dance 1/99 (CD) 9 PM (Till I Come) EVA Belgium
Best Of Dream Dance - The Special Megamix Edition (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Sony Music Media
Breakdown - The Very Best Of Euphoric Dance (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Mat... Telstar
Club Ibiza (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Warner Music UK Ltd
Club Mania - Vol. 1 (2xCD) Don't Stop Dance Network
Club Mix 99 (2xCD) 9pm (Til I Come) (Sequ... Universal Music TV
Club Sounds Vol. 10 (2xCD) Killer (Original Mix) Polystar Records
Club Tools First Edition (CD) Killer (Killer Mix) Club Tools
Club Tools: The Finest Club Collection (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Ra... Edel Records (Germany)
Clubber's Guide To... Ibiza - Summer Ninety Nine (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Si... Ministry Of Sound
Clubber's Guide To... Ninety Nine (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (9pm... Ministry Of Sound
Clubber's Guide To... Trance (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come)(Matt... Ministry Of Sound
Cream Ibiza - Arrivals 1999 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Or... Virgin Records (UK)
Dance Mania 99 (2xCD) Don't Stop, 9pm (Till ... Vidisco
Dance Nation 6 (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Ministry Of Sound (2xCD) 9PM Till I Come Warner Music UK Ltd
DJ Meeting '99 (2xCD) Don't Stop (ATB Mix) Club Tools
Don't Stop! (CD) Don't Stop! (Airplay E... DJ's Club Records
Dream Dance 2000 (2xCD) Too Much Rain Sony Music Media
Dream Dance Vol. 12 (2xCD) Don't Stop (C.L.U.B.B.... Sony Music Media
Dream Dance Vol. 14 (2xCD) 9 Pm (Till I Come) (Ma... Dance Division
Energy 99 - The Official Mix Compilation (CD) Killer Trance Communications Records
Essential Ibiza Anthems (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Beechwood Music
Essential Selection Ibiza 1999 (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Mat... FFRR
Essential Trance (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Beechwood Music
Future Trance Vol. 7 (2xCD) Don't Stop (Airplay Ed... Polystar Records
Gatecrasher: Red (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Sig... INCredible
Gatecrasher: Wet (2xCD) 9PM (Til I Come) INCredible Dance Pool
Global Underground Prototype 1 (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Boxed
House Definition Episodio II (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) Fieldzz Discos
Ibiza 99 - The Year Of Trance (2xCD) 9PM Till I Come Global Television
Ibiza Euphoria (2xCD) 9 pm (Till I Come) (Ma... Telstar
In Da Mix - Part One 1999 (CDr) 9 PM (Till I Come) Not On Label
Inspiration (CD) 9 PM (Sequential One R... Energetic Records
Kiss Ibiza 99 (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Universal Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 3 (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Polystar Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 4 (2xCD) Killer (Original Mix) Polystar Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 5 (2xCD) Don't Stop! (Sequentia... Polystar Records
Kremlin - On The Top Of The World (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Seq... Enter Records
Kremlin - On The Top Of The World (Cassette) 9PM (Till I Come) (Air... Enter Records
Kremlin 2 (2xCD) Killer (Club Mix), Don... Enter Records
Lagered! 2000 (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Seq... Universal Music (NZ)
Mallorca Dance (2xCD) Don't Stop (Airplay Mix) Dance Network
Mega Top 100 1999 Volume 1 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Dor Music Holland B.V.
Midsummer Trance Mix (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Sig... ID&T
Milleniumparty (CD) Don't Stop K-Tel International (Finland) Oy
Ministry Magazine Presents Sex Trax (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) Ministry (Magazine)
Movin' Melodies (2xCD) The First Tones, Emoti... Enter Records
MTV Ibiza 99 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Sony Music Media
MTV Ibiza 99 (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Seq... Columbia Records
National Anthems 99 Vol. 2 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Si... Telstar
NRJ Extravadance 3 (CD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Stockholm Records
Party Zone Ibiza (2xCD) Don't Stop (SQ1 Mix) Greatest Hits Entertainment HB
Pete Tong's Essential Selection: Ibiza 1999 (Special Edition) (3xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Mat... FFRR
State Of Independents: Volume 2 (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Muzik Magazine
Summertronic (CD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Som Livre
The Annual 1999 - Millennium Edition (Limited Edition) (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Si... Ministry Of Sound
The Best Ibiza Anthems...Ever! (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Virgin Records (UK)
The Ibiza Annual - Summer Ninety Nine (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Ma... Ministry Of Sound
The Year Of Trance 99 - The Final Year Mix (4xCD) Killer Lube
This Is... Ibiza 2000 (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) Beechwood Music
Top Star 2000 (2xCD) Killer (Video Edit), 9... Vidisco
Trance - A State Of Altered Consciousness (CD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Se... Max Music (USA)
Trance Nation One (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Sig... Ministry Of Sound
Trance Nation Two (2xCD) Don't Stop (X-Cabs Remix) Ministry Of Sound
Trance Power (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Se... ID&T
Tranceformer - The Uplifting Mix (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Si... Virgin Records (UK)
Ultra Techno - Volume 8 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Independance Records
Veronica's Mega Music Dance Experience (Hurricane '99) (4xCD) 9PM (Signum Remix), Do... Sony Music Media
Wild FM Volume 8 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Or... Central Station
538 Dance Smash Hits - Summer 2000 (CD) The Summer EMI Music Netherlands
Addicted 2 Dance 2 (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Seq... Shock
Addicted 2 Dance 3 (2xCD) Killer 2000 (Killer 20... Shock
Alta Rotaçăo (2xCD) My Dream Kaos Records
Area The Secret Vol. 2 (3xCD) The Summer Vale Music
Best Of Dance 2000 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Ai... NMC Music (Israel) Helicon Records (Israel)
Best Of Zlat'ĂĄky (CD) The Summer (Airplay Mix) Popron Music
Cafe Mambo The Real Sound Of Ibiza (2xCD) The Summer (Airplay Mix) Dance Division
Chillout (3xCD) 9PM (Bent Remix), 9PM ... Decadance Recordings
Circuit Grooves 9.1 (CD) Don't Stop! (Consola's... Redzone Records
Club Mix Ibiza 2000 (2xCD) Killer (Killer 2000 Mix) Universal Music TV
Club Nation (2xCD) Killer 2000 (Trevor & ... Ministry Of Sound (Australia)
Club Rotation Vol. 12 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Ai... Warner Special Marketing GmbH
Creamlive (2xCD) Killer 2000 (Radio Edit) Virgin Records (UK)
Dance Force 4 (3xCD) The Summer Sony Music Media
Dance Mania 2000 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love Vidisco
Dance Nation 7 (2xCD) Killer (Killer 2000 Mix) Ministry Of Sound
Dance Planet (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Ministry Of Sound
Definitive 100 % Trance Vol. 2 (CD) The Summer (Airplay Re... EVA
Dream Dance Vol. 17 (2xCD) The Summer (Airplay Mix) Dance Division
Dream Dance Vol. 18 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Ai... Dance Division
Electricidade 2000 (2xCD) My Dream Vidisco
Energy 00 Compilation (CD) The Summer Trance Communications Records
Essential Dance 2000 (CD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Se... Atlantic Records
Future Trance Vol. 12 (2xCD) The Summer (Airplay Mix) Polymedia Marketing Group GmbH
Future Trance Vol. 14 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Ai... Polystar Records
George Acosta - Awake (CD) Don't Stop Ultra Records
Kevin & Perry Go Large (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Si... Virgin Records (UK)
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 9 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Da... Polystar Records
Kremlin 3 - Kremlin Nation 2000 (2xCD) The Summer (Instrument... Enter Records
Loved Up (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Sig... Ministry Of Sound
Ministry of Sound. The Annual. 1999-2000 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Ma... Polymedia Marketing Group GmbH
Ministry Presents Class Of '99 (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Ministry (Magazine)
MTV Hacienda (2xCD) The Summer Polygram Record Operations
Orbiting-Beautiful Chillout Grooves 1.0 (CD) Underwater World, Obse... StreetBeat Records
Partysan (CD) Don't Stop (ATB Mix) DJ Beat Records
Portalmix (3xCD) The Summer Vale Music
Puissance Techno 3 (CD) Don't Stop Omnisounds
Robotrax (2xCD) The Summer (Airplay Mix) Polystar Records
Solid Sounds 16 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Or... 541
Strand House 2 - Clubbing On The Beach (2xCD) The Summer (Ibiza Infl... Polymedia Marketing Group GmbH
Technics: The Original Sessions Vol. IV (Limited Edition) (4xCD) The Fields Of Love Vale Music
TechnoHits 1996-2000 (2xCD) 9 pm (Till I Come) (Ra... Polystar Records
The Annual 2000 (2xCD) Fields Of Love (Origin... Urban
This Is... Ibiza 2001 (3xCD) Killer Beechwood Music
Top Star 2001 (2xCD) Let U Go (Album Edit),... Vidisco
Trance 2000 (2xCD) The Summer (Airplay Mi... Edel Finland
Trance 2000 - 2nd Edition (CD) The Fields Of Love Arcade
Trance Classics Part 2 (2xCD) 9PM Lube
Trance Files 2000 The Final Yearmixes (4xCD) The Summer (Clubb Mix)... ID&T
Trance Nation Three (2xCD) Killer (Lost Witness Dub) Ministry Of Sound
Trancemania (CD) The Summer S.A.I.F.A.M.
Univers Tekno (CD) The Summer (Airplay Mix) Wagram
Worldwide (2xCD) Tune, Repulse, Klangwe... Zeitgeist
100% Dream - Music For Your Mind 5 (2xCD) Enigmatic Encounter (O... Enter Records
100% Dream - Music For Your Mind 6 (2xCD) Hold You (Club Mix), H... Enter Records
16 Top World Charts '01 (CD) Let U Go Vidisco
Bang On! Volume 3: Hard Copy - Mixed By Matt Crawford (2xCD) The Fields Of Lobe (In... Bang On!
Best Of Trance Vol. 2 (CD) Let U Go Robbins Entertainment
Booom! The Number 1 Dance Album - Volume 5 (CD) Let U Go ID&T
Breakdown - The Very Best Euphoric Chillout Mixes (2xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Ben... Telstar
Club League 1 (2xCD) Let U Go (Airplay Mix) BMG
Clubbgroove Selected Vol. 1 (12") I Want U (SQ-1 Mix) Clubbgroove Records
Dance Beat 1.0 (CD) Let U Go Bonnier Amigo Music Group
Dance Masters (2xCD) Fields Of Love Virgin Records (UK)
Dance Masters (2xCD) Fields Of Love Virgin Records (UK)
Dance Power 7 (2xCD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... Vidisco
Deejay Parade 2002 (2xCD) Hold You Time Records (Italy)
DJ Convention - Clubbing On Sunshine (2xCD) Let U Go (Clubb Mix) Polystar Records
Dream Dance 21 (2xCD) Let U Go Sony Music Media
Dreamland 2000 Vol. 5 (CD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... IMP Records (Israel)
Dreamstates (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Nic... Inspired Recordings
Energy 01 The Official Compilation (CD) Let U Go Trance Communications Records
Future Trance Vol. 16 (2xCD) Let U Go Polystar Records
Future Trance Vol. 18 (2xCD) Hold You (Airplay Mix) Polystar Records
Higher State Of Trance (3xCD) Let You Go Decadance Recordings
History Of House (CD) 9PM (Till I Come) Channel Four Music
House Classics (3xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Decadance Recordings
ID&T Trance (2xCD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... ID&T
ID&T Yearmix 2001 (2xCD) Let U Go ID&T
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 11 (2xCD) Let U Go (UK Dub Mix) Polystar Records
Radikal Records - CD Sampler Volume 4 (CD) Feel You Like A River,... Radikal Records
Sensation 2001 (2xCD) Let U Go ID&T
Sunset Chill (2xCD) Enigmatic Encounter Polymedia Marketing Group GmbH
Super Mix 14 (2xCD) Let U Go Vidisco
T-Zone - Ibiza Edition (2xCD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... Zeitgeist
Tales Of Fantasy (2xCD) Enigmatic Encounter Polydor (Germany)
Techno Club Vol. 15 (2xCD) Let U Go (Clubb Mix) Dance Division
The Loveparade Compilation 2001 - Join The Love Republic (2xCD) Let You Go (ATB Remix) Low Spirit Recordings
This Is... Hard House (3xCD) The Fields Of Love (Pu... Beechwood Music
Time Zone (CD) Let U Go Edel Finland
Top Star 2002 (2xCD) Hold You (Airplay Mix) Vidisco
Trance 2002 - The Fourth Edition (2xCD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... Beats Included
Trance Anthems (3xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) (Seq... Decadance Recordings
Trance Hits 2.0 (2xCD) Let U Go Polymedia Marketing Group GmbH
Trance Nation America Two (2xCD) Let You Go (Club Mix) Ultra Records
Tranceglobalnation 6 - Retrospective (CD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... Arcade America
TranceMix USA 2 (CD) Let U Go (Club Mix) Radikal Records
Vinyl Loops Vol. 6 (12") 9 pm (Extended Version) Dance All Day
100% Dream - Music For Your Mind Vol. 7 (2xCD) Dedicated (Original Mix) Enter Records
Alone / Children / You're Not Alone / Heaven (12") You're Not Alone Bang On!
Back To The Old Skool Ibiza (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Ministry Of Sound
Best Of Dream Dance - The Special Megamix Edition 2 (2xCD) The Fields Of Love Sony Music Media
Central Energy 12 (2xCD) You're Not Alone (2nd ... Central Station
Chillout Lounge (2xCD) Let U Go (Schiller Rem... Avex Asia Ltd.
Club Rotation Volume 17 (2xCD) Hold You Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Clubber's Guide To... Ibiza 2002 (2xCD) You're Not Alone Ministry Of Sound (Germany)
DJ Convention - Code Thirteen (2xCD) You're Not Alone (1st ... Universal Music (Germany)
DJ Convention - Code Twelve (2xCD) Hold You (Clubb Mix 2) Universal Music (Germany)
Dream & Dance Vol. 1 (2xCD) You're Not Alone (Airp... Enter Records
Dream Dance Vol. 24 (2xCD) You're Not Alone Sony Music Media
Electricidade 2002 (2xCD) You're Not Alone (Airp... Vidisco
Grandmix 2001 (3xCD) Let U Go Sony Music Media
ID&T Trance 3 (2xCD) You're Not Alone ID&T
Jan Wayne Presents The Ultimate Rave (2xCD) The Fields Of Love (Pu... Kontor Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 16 (2xCD) Halcyon Polystar Records
One World One Parade - Edition 2002 (CD) You Are Not Alone BMG (Netherlands)
Progressions Into Trance 2 (CD) Let U Go (Wippenberg R... UBL Recordings
Slam Volume 1 (CD) You're Not Alone ID&T
Sunset Chill Vol. 2 (2xCD) Remember Edel Records (Germany)
Sunset Chill Vol. 3 (2xCD) Get High Universal Music (Germany)
Supermix 15 (2xCD) You're Not Alone Vidisco
Synergy II - The Story Continues (2xCD) Lost In Love (Radio Ed... Zeitgeist
Synergy II - The Story Continues (Limited Edition) (2xCD) Lost In Love (Radio Ed... Zeitgeist
That Trance Mix (CD) Let You Go Moonshine
The Loveparade Compilation 2002 - Access Peace (2xCD) I Wanna Cry Low Spirit Recordings
The Very Best Of Euphoria (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Se... Telstar
TMF Megadance 2002/2 (2xCD) You're Not Alone (Club... 541
Trance All Stars Volume 2 EP (12") Dedicated Popular Records
Trance History (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Trance Voices Vol. 5 (2xCD) I Wanna Cry Polystar Records
Tranceclassics (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Or... Tsunami
Ultra. Dance 02 (2xCD) You're Not Alone (2nd ... Ultra Records
Back To The Old Skool Ibiza Anthems (2xCD) 9pm (Til I Come) Ministry Of Sound
Club Rotation Vol. 23 (2xCD) Long Way Home (Radio E... Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Club Rotation Vol. 24 (2xCD) In Love With A DJ (Sin... Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Club Sounds Vol. 27 (2xCD) Long Way Home (Airplay... Sony Music Entertainment (Germany)
Clubbers Guide Finland Syksy 2003 (2xCD) I Don't Wanna Stop (Cl... Bonnier Amigo Music Group
Clubland 4 - The Night Of Your Life (2xCD) I Don't Wanna Stop (Pa... Universal Music TV
Clubland III - The Sound Of The Summer (2xCD) I Dont Wanna Stop Universal Music TV
Deejay Parade Estate 2003 (2xCD) I Don't Wanna Stop (Mo... Time Records (Italy)
Destination Trance (2xCD) I Wanna Cry Universal Records
Discoradio Compilation 2003 (2xCD) Long Way Home Do It Yourself Entertainment (Italy)
Dream Dance 28 (2xCD) I Don't Wanna Stop (Ra... Sony Music Media
Dream Dance 29 (2xCD) Long Way Home Sony Music Media
Dream Dance 30 (2xCD) Sunset Girl (Limited C... Sony Music Media
Dream Zone Vol. 4 (2xCD) You're Not Alone (Airp... Sony Music Entertainment (Germany)
Future Trance Vol. 24 (2xCD) I Don't Wanna Stop Polystar Records
Future Trance Vol. 25 (2xCD) Long Way Home Polystar Records
Future Trance Vol. 26 (2xCD) In Love With The DJ Polystar Records
Got Dance? (Continuously Mixed) (2xCD) You're Not Alone Surge Recordings
Grandmix 2002 (3xCD) You're Not Alone Sony Music Media
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 20 (2xCD) Long Way Home (Clubb Mix) Kontor Records
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 21 (2xCD) Sunset Girl (Limited C... Universal Music (Germany)
Kontor Records Presents DJ Meeting 2003 (2xCD) I Don't Wanna Stop (Cl... Kontor Records
Loveparade Winter Session 03/04 (2xCD) In Love With The DJ (N... Low Spirit Recordings
State Of Bliss (CD) The Fields Of Love (Da... Trypt Records
Sundance 4 (CD) I Dont Wanna Stop (Rad... Record Express
Sunset Chill Vol. 4 (2xCD) Trilogy Edel Records (Germany)
Sunshine Live Classics Vol. 1 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Toptrax Recordings
The DJ - In The Mix (2xCD) In Love With The DJ (N... Kontor Records
Trance Classics (2xCD) 9PM (Till I Come) Moonshine
Trance Nation Anthems (3xCD) 9pm (Till I Come) (Seq... Ministry Of Sound
A Dream Comes True (CD) In Love With The DJ ZAP Music
Anual Tuning 2004 (2xCD) In Love With The DJ Vidisco
Best Of 100% Dream - Music For Your Mind (2xCD) The Fields Of Love Enter Records
Club Favourites (2xCD) Let U Go (Airplay Mix) Incubated Music & Media
Club Rotation Vol. 26 (2xCD) Marrakech (Airplay Mix) Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Club Rotation Vol. 27 (2xCD) Ecstasy (Original Airp... Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Club Rotation Vol. 28 (2xCD) Here With Me (Airplay ... Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Club Sounds Vol. 29 (2xCD) In Love With The DJ (N... Sony Music Entertainment (Germany)
Club Sounds Vol. 32 (2xCD) Here With Me (Airplay ... Sony Music Entertainment (Germany)
Dance Mixes Volume 1 (CD) See U Again Vamos
Dance Power 10 (2xCD) Ecstacy Vidisco
Discoradio Compilation 2004 (2xCD) Ecstasy Do It Yourself Entertainment (Italy)
Dream Dance 32 (2xCD) Ecstasy (Original Airp... Sony Music Media
Dream Dance 33 (2xCD) Here With Me (Airplay ... Sony Music Media
Future Trance Vol. 28 (2xCD) Marrakech Polystar Records
Future Trance Vol. 29 (2xCD) Ecstasy (Original Airp... Polystar Records
ID&T Classics - The Megamixes (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) Universal TV
Kontor - Top Of The Clubs Volume 23 (2xCD) Marrakech Universal Music (Germany)
Loveparade Summer Session 04 (2xCD) Intencity Low Spirit Recordings
Nature One - The Golden 10 - The Compilation 2004 (2xCD) Ecstasy (Original Airp... Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Remember Trancemusic 1991-1999 (2xCD) 9 PM (Till I Come) (Se... Oxa
Sunshine Live Classics Vol. 2 (2xCD) Don't Stop Toptrax Recordings
Sunshine Live Volume: 010 (3xCD) Marrakech Toptrax Recordings
Sunshine Live Volume: 011 (3xCD) Ecstasy Toptrax Recordings
Sunshine Live Volume: 012 (3xCD) Here With Me Toptrax Recordings
Super Tuning (2xCD) Marrakech Vidisco
The DJ - In The Mix (3xCD) In Love With The DJ (N... Central Station
The DJ - In The Mix (2xCD) In Love With The DJ (N... Radikal Records
The DJ 2 - In The Mix (2xCD) Here With Me (A&T Remi... Kontor Records Edel Records (Germany)
This Is Trance! (CD) In Love With The DJ Water Music Dance
Trance 2005 Vol. 1 (2xCD) Ecstasy (Original Airp... Sunnyside Up
Trance Arena 4 (2xCD) Sunset Girl Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM)
Trance Nation 19 (3xCD) IntenCity (Album Version) Supraton
Trance Voices Vol.13 (2xCD) Here With Me Polystar Records
Tuning & Car Audio (4xCD) Hold You (Svenson & Gi... Vidisco
Ultimate Trance (4xCD) Marrakech (Alex Morph ... Central Station
Waugh (CD) Let U Go (Clubb Mix) Trypt Records
Rush Hour 2 (2xCD) 9pm (Til I Come) Universal Music TV
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Posty: 408
Dołączył(a): 2006-07-12, 07:25
Lokalizacja: Sieradz

Postprzez Tavistock » 2007-05-26, 18:21

:-o Dla mnie bomba, ATB jest oryginalny i trzeba przyznac ze bardzo dobry w tym co robi. Ostania plyta wyszla deko za spokojna, ale tez jest ok. Zachecam do sluchania
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Posty: 1554
Dołączył(a): 2007-05-25, 12:51
Lokalizacja: Rzeshow

Postprzez B0BS0N » 2007-10-11, 18:26

Wszystkie jego albumy staly na bardzo wysokim poziomie, ale In The Mix 1-3 poprostu bija na leb Anjunabeats, Universal Religion czy inne tym podobne. I te skladanki polecam, szczegolnie In The Mix 2. Ostatnia plyta tez dobra, chociaz singel Renegade to totalna szmira, komercha i nie wiem jak jeszcze to okreslic... a mial tyle dobrych utworow do wyboru... ;-)
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Posty: 1232
Dołączył(a): 2007-09-20, 20:01
Lokalizacja: Kartuzy

Postprzez JADD » 2008-02-02, 21:24

jest fenomenalny bardzo go lubie i popieram kolege jego albumy staly i stoja na bardzo wysokim poziomie nie moge sie doczekac jego nastepnych produkcji
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Posty: 275
Dołączył(a): 2008-02-02, 21:10
Lokalizacja: z EnTrance

Postprzez Vladimir » 2008-04-27, 11:29

ATB to bedzie najwieksza gwiazda Global Gathering :P mimo ze Ferry Corsten stoi na 4 miejscu w topliscie, nie dorasta do piet stylowi ATB :-)
jego ecstasy podbilo caly swiat i uwazam, ze Andreas Tannenberg jest jednym z ojcow trance :-D
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Posty: 153
Dołączył(a): 2007-12-28, 21:45
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Postprzez Muras » 2008-04-28, 14:30

Vladimir napisał(a):jego ecstasy podbilo caly swiat i uwazam, ze Andreas Tannenberg jest jednym z ojcow trance :-D

Jest niewatpliwie krolem vokal Trancu
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Posty: 949
Dołączył(a): 2007-08-28, 21:02
Lokalizacja: Zielona Gora

Postprzez DaNnEs » 2008-05-09, 16:44

swieta racja ;-)
jak to ktos ma to moze wrzucic trackliste z ATB In Concer @ Hala Arena Poznan 16.04.2005?????
Posty: 3
Dołączył(a): 2008-05-01, 19:50
Lokalizacja: Podbeskidzie

Postprzez Ms nOwik » 2008-05-17, 15:35

Vladimir napisał(a):Andreas Tannenberg jest jednym z ojcow trance

hm.. Ja bym tego tak nie klasyfikowal.. to ze w swoich kompozycjach ma elementy trance-u to nie oznacza ,ze sie z tym stylem ATB utozsamia :))))
Ostatnio edytowano 2008-05-17, 15:35 przez Ms nOwik, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Ms nOwik
Posty: 143
Dołączył(a): 2007-11-07, 21:45
Lokalizacja: Szczecin,

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