Powiem tak ta nuta mnie zmiazdzyla

jak ja uslyszalem 51 minuta

oj tak
*E* nie ma co edytowac ale slowa sa piekne
i wander into emptiness
a void of dreams and consciousness
though I only know your name
each day is just the same
do you see me?
seeing people passing by,
vanishing as I reach out
do you see me through the space?
do you see me?
let solitude fade slowly into you(7x) (dancing)
just go on living blindly
the fight has already come and gone
what went wrong
don't bother asking
you left it for so long
do you see me?dancing..
W tym roku Tritonal pokazali power jednak meksykanczycy tez porafia trancowac, slowa macie powyzej sa super DO U SEE ME? <3