To pierwszy set z serii "Would you like some" autorstwa mojego kolegi patrick s.
Set robiony na hardware. Ciekawy dobor utworow.
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1.Menno de Jong feat Relocate - Solid State (Gareth Emery Remix)
2.Richard Durand - Into Something (Original Mix)
3.H.E.R.O. - Alarm (Original Mix)
4.Kamil Polner - Tears Of Moon (Zachary Zamarripa Progressive Mix)
5.Adam K and Soha - Long Distance (Re-Ward and Dr Willis Remix)
6.Sam Sharp - Roundabout (Simon Patterson Remix)
7.Ferry Corsten ft Betsie Larkin - Made of Love (Bobina Megadrive Dub)
8.Terry Ferminal - A Thousand Miles (Rework)
9.Mr Sam - Tantra (Evol Waves Remix)
10.Judge Jules - Master Breaker (Original Mix)
11.Ernesto vs. Bastian - Laserbrain (Spicey Rework)
12.Diabllo - Exotica (Original Mix)
13.Umek & Beltek - Longer Trail
14.Theory of Strings - Distant Echoes (Reyes Mix)
15.Ormatie - American Girl (Ilya Malyuev Dedication to Russian Girl Remix)
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